Monday, May 20, 2013

Come December

Actually, I've notice that my blog.. and the stories.. are all over the place.
Maybe when I can find time to spend long hours fixing it, I will.
Or at least have a proper story line.. eh?

For now, I am busy with my family, myself, building a new life and my career.
In that order.

Whoever does good, whether male or female, and is a believer, We shall certainly make him live a good life, and We shall certainly give them their reward for the best of what they did.
Surah An-Nahl 16:97 


When All Else Fail

You get away. Just to find yourself again.

That's what I did. A much needed time to myself.

And the outcome?

I couldn't have been happier!
I've learned that above all, my family really is the core to my strength. I thought I was thankful enough, blessed enough and giving enough to them. Who was I kidding?
And the parental unit? Well, the more annoying they get, the more God is telling you that they won't be here for long. So do all that you can to keep them happy and worry them less.

I've learned that my friends, are a good source of support - like linebackers!

I was lost for the longest time. And in that time, I realised that.. just when I thought I have found myself, I was wrong. I had at least 4 months of self-conflict. And I took that time to really discover who I am. To really achieve what I felt I needed to accomplish.

And I did it. Alhamdulillah..

Things are now back on track.My life is back on track. Despite EVERYTHING that happened.
The things you learn when you think you are at your lowest.. amazing!

On different note: I might just find the strength to quit smoking. MIGHT.