Thursday, July 12, 2012

The Irony

How do you console someone who's had his heart, broken?
How do you help a friend going through marital problems?
How do you open up and voice out your pain?
How do you move on when acceptance is hard to grasp?
How do I write when my thoughts, hurts me?

Sometimes, there's so much that I want to say but saying them all will not change the past. 
Sometimes, there's a limit to sharing what you want to say.
But who's to say where you draw the line?

What I've come to realise is that, sometimes, it is okay to be selfish.
It is okay to make yourself happy.
It is okay if you cannot please everyone.
It is really okay to brush off all the perceptions and judgements that people have on you.
It is okay if the most riduculous things make you happy.

Who's to say you cannot be happy?
Who's to say you cannot laugh out loud at the dinner table?
Who's to say you shouldn't smile?
Who's to say you cannot wear sneakers?

Nobody else knows what you truly feel, what you really want to project to the world but yourself.

I am Me. 

The choices I make is the path I wish to live by.
Stationaries, makes me happy.
Toiletries shopping, makes me happy.
Quality, makes me happy.
Singing, makes me happy.
Airports, makes me happy.
Airplanes, makes me happy.
The moon, makes me happy.
My parents pecking me on my cheeks, makes me happy.
My siblings bickering, makes me happy.
My nieces and my nephew getting into trouble, makes me happy.
Farts makes me happy.
Little things in life makes me happy.

And these little things, they make a huge difference to how my heart reacts to the world.

I've been farting a lot lately, and the thought of having to control myself when I'm in a meeting, when I'm walking with a friend, when I'm eating, cracks me up!

A friend once told me that I can never run dry of optimism.

I am going to hang on to that.

Signing off with a smile on my face, and in my heart. =)

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